Laura and I sharing a giggle on her birthday night
Welcome to my first official BLOG! Ha ha, have no idea how to go about this... Maybe there is a guide or a google video that 'teaches' you how to structure ones blog (sounds wrong), there are google instructional videos for just about EVERYTHING these day! I'm going to assume that the only rule to this blog business is to write about everything and anything you want too? So I'm going to use it as an avenue to vent my verbal diarrhea.
I won't be sending those crazy long emails anymore, partly because I'm pretty sure most of you don't give a rats arse about what I'm up to these days, and partly because this way seems like much more fun :) On that note, here is a quick summary to bring you up to speed on whats new with me....
I moved to London. Me of all people, the one who was always so vocal about my hatred for this city and the amount of Aussies who live here and get stuck here bla bla bla..
But it turns out I have pretty much landed my (potential) dream job so I couldn't turn my back on it! It all happened so easily (literally walked into the shop said "hello, I work with cheese, speak French and have the right to work in the country" and got the job) that I was even a little bit nervous.
Phil Seamus McCormack McCracken and Nessy at the time meridian of THE WORLD
It all happened so fast, there we were, on holidays in London, alternating between Billys bed (which he gallantly gave up for us) and Fionas couch, having a great two weeks, ending what had been a fantastic two months tiki touring around with my favourite lady girl, Laura. Next thing I know I've got a job and am heading back to France land to say good bye to the family and pack up my things! It was sad to say goodbye, especially to Granny, but I'm not far away! (perks of living in Europe, everyone is no more than two hours away one way or another)
Lolo, Sandra and I took their beautiful dogs for a stroll to find some wild boar!So armed with the rest of my stuff from Grandmas (including the Spiderman mug Lolo and Sandra gave me for my birthday) I went back to London, ready to start the next exciting but nerve racking chapter of my life. As with all new chapters there are certain things that need to be done in order for it to work out.. A structure (you could say) that needs to be followed..
Here is my list and the success I had fulfilling it (not necessarily in order):
1) get to London without paying an arm and a leg for excess baggage - UNSUCCESSFUL! Silly Swiss meanie charged me for one kilo excess - I was 1.1kg over and the flight was practically empty! First time in my travels I have EVER been charged for excess (as you can probably tell I'm still a bit bitter about this.. Arrggghh)
2) find an apartment that is A not stupid expensive, B in zones 1&2 coz other wise the tube is stupid expensive and within 5 minute walk of said tube station, and C not too far from Fionas -SUCCESS!
The first place I went to was 5 minute walk from Fi's, three minute walk from the tube (which is in zone 2) and ridiculously cheap. Not only that but the bills are inclusive which means I don't have to bother with it and the landlady is lovely and will do anything to make us comfortable.. Can't ask for much more than that??
Two of my favourite things: my pyjamas and my spiderman mug.. Hello cosyness!!3) get a job -
SUCCESS! Well thats kind of cheating considering I had the job before I even got there..
4) open a bank account -
SUCCESS! But an absolute pain in arse! The amount of freakin back and forth and paper work and crap I had to go through!! I though it would be easy as a French citizen, but I forgot the British don't like the French.. hehe
5) get to know the 'local' pub -
SUCCESS! We actually have a few nice locals in the area, one with a half decent quiz night, one with a 'mum' that makes whatever hang over food you could possibly want and one that is perfect for that cheeky half pint...
So once that was all sorted it was time for me to get out and learn to love London. And learn I have!
I think that the perks of moving to a place that you never wanted to move to is that things can only get better.. I am genuinely loving it here now, I'm constantly seeing and experiencing new things that make me appreciate London more and more..
One thing that definitely helped me warm up to London was the snow blitz we had.. I don't know if y'all heard about it at home but it was incredible!! Fi and Amanda were loving the idea of London shutting down and having an excuse not to go to work. I personally was freaking out, I couldn't think of anything worse than missing my first day at work because of a little snow.. It turns out the whole city pretty much shut down and my boss couldn't even get in so SNOW DAY it was for us!

Dressed up in the props for the snow man that never eventuated (but the dressing up
was fun!)
It was so much fun frolicking around in the snow. It's my happy place, the place were all worries and concerns fade away into the fluffy white dusts of fun that are snow flakes...
Fiona the snow yetti after rolling around in the snow!So I'm going to leave it there for today.. Next bloggy thingamabob will give you a sneaky peak into what I've been up to since I've moved here, a bit more goss about the job and silly anecdotes from my weekend with Mr Buchanan.

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