So it turns out this whole moving to London business has been pretty cruisy. I must admit having the fabulous Fiona just around the corner has been an absolute life saver! Being able to pop around there whenever I want or need to, have a cuppa and watch a silly girly movie. Or have a tipple and than a go on the pole.. Its always fun one way or another and Fi, I thank you for that! She even gave me a mug, the bright orange and green one I used every time I was there :)
One of the things that has made it a little easier has been the random visits/catch ups from some special friends. First there was Chris, the crazy American that we met up in the High Tatras of Slovakia, who came over for a weekend. We got to catch up and decided to head out to Brick Lane for curry in a hurry. It was awesome fun, Fi came and my friends from work, and we had a smashing old time... The night ended in Fi and I drunkenly stumbling home and having a sudden craving for Salmon Bagels.. Which we evidently fulfilled.. Suddenly seems that Salmon bagels are the new late night doner kebab.. MMMmmMM

Then there was the fabulous visit from Miss Katie Cunningham! It was so exciting to see her, it was the first time we'd clapped eyes on each other (other than through skype) in two years! We had a lovely day pottering around the Borough markets, eating and chatting.. And plotting our trip to Greece, yep thats right, we are off to Greece for two weeks in the summer! NOICE!!

Lachie and I at work eating cheeeeeeeeeeeese
And last, but most certainly not least, there was the man of the hour, Mr Lachlan Buchanan. He was in town to attend the screening of his film 'Newcastle' (or if you live in Japan 'BLUE BLUE BLUE hehehe) so we had to live up to our tradition and paint the town red. Last time we saw each other it was in Frankfurt when we had a little getaway last year, frolicking in the woods and drinking German cocktails. We had great fun (and it gave me a great excuse to score a weekend off work), running towards each other by the marble arch!! The weather was lovely as we did the tourist trip around town. We stopped by Buckingham palace to see Queenie, she was temporarily unavailable for tea and cupcakes but we are pretty confident she'll pencil us in for next time. I bought us some creepy red noses (they go all out for red nose day here..) so we had some fun posing in them.. I say they brought out our eyes... hehe
Unfortunately Lachlan caught the 24 hour bug that was going around London at the time and was too sick to even attend the screening that night.. The film is fantastic though and even though he wasn't there we still really enjoyed it! The rest of the weekend was spent fart arsing around, eating cheese and recuperating from the vomiting (I got the bug the next day...). It was bloody awesome to see him again and I miss him already.. Finger and toes crossed he'll be back here soon!

Once Lachlan left reality hit me. That I have moved to a big scary city, a city I never wanted to move to, and that I won't be seeing my loved ones for a long time.. With no visitors on the horizon I hit a 'low point' for a week or two.. But then I snapped the hell out of it, called and emailed a billion people that Ive been too slack to contact, (even my parents hadn't heard from me in almost 6weeks!!!) and looked on the bright side..

I have looked into taking some trips around the UK, I'm think maybe Cardiff or Bath for the Easter weekend. And I've booked a trip back to Grannys in June which will be nice! I also found out that a friend from home has just moved here and look forward to catching up with him this weekend, always a good time to be had!
So that is OFFICIALLY it for me... You are now up to date and any posts from here on in will be crazy (or insightive, depends which way you look at it) Angie ramblings. Thanks for tuning in!!!
you take our young star out romping until he falls sick with exhaustion and can no longer attend his own premiere!! shame on you miss mills!